Friday, January 13, 2012

Year of the Lefty

My favorite fishery the Driftless is well known for meandering, narrow streams often shrouded in canopy and high grasses. Fish abound, but so do obstacles. The cast you need to make is seldom the most straight forward one.

For years, I've thought about casting lefty. Having fished the same streams for nearly a decade now, I often know what casts I can make just as I step up to the pool. But left handed casting opens up a whole new world. I first noticed this in earnest when my good friend Joe McGinley, who writes for us here at CTB came to fish the Driftless with me. Joe is a born lefty and approached waters I had fished for years with creativity and skill. But he was after all a natural lefty. Every year since that time, I've thought about forcing myself out of my comfort zone.

What water could you open up if you cast with your other hand?